September 2020 Agenda (4th)
September Meeting 2020. 6.00pm Friday 4 September 2020.
Clerk to the Parish Council - Councillor John Money
Telephone 01526320323 email
Venue: Zoom virtual meeting
Item 1: Public Forum (for access please contact the clerk for an access code).
Item 2: To receive written reports from representatives of the council and outside bodies
a) County Council
b) District Council
c) Police
The Parish council Meeting to continue under Standing Orders
Item 3: Apologies for absence
Item 4: Minutes
a) To resolve that the minutes of meeting held on - signed as a correct record.
b) Any matters arising from the Minutes
Item 5: Resolution regarding a parish precept
Item 6: Parish cemetery
Item 7: Other matters at the discretion of the Chairman
Item 8: Date of the next meeting