September 2020 Agenda (17th)

Late September Meeting 2020. 2.30pm Thursday 17 September 2020.

Clerk to the Parish Council - Councillor John Money

Telephone 01526320323 email


Venue: Zoom virtual meeting

Item 1: Public Forum (for access please contact the clerk for an access code).

Item 2: To receive written reports from representatives of the council and outside bodies

a) County Council

b) District Council

c) Police

The Parish Council Meeting to continue in formal session under Standing Orders

Item 3: Apologies for absence

Item 4: Minutes

Item 5: Declaration of interests as per the Code of Conduct

a) To resolve the draft minutes of meeting held on 4th September 2020 (for accuracy purposes only) - signed as a correct record.

b) Any matters arising from the Minutes

Item 6: Parish cemetery update

Item 7: Correspondence

Item 8: Other matters at the discretion of the Chairman

The Chairman to move under Section 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 that any members of the press and the public presently virtually connected will leave the meeting.

Item 9: Matters relating to the proposed parish precept

Item 8: Date of the next meeting