December 2021 Minutes


2nd December 2021

Clerk to the Parish Council - Councillor John Money
Telephone 01526320323 email johnfmoney@gmail’com

Draft Minutes of the meeting: held at The Old Estate Office Annex 2nd December 2021 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr Richard Parker, Cllr Dermot Spurrier, Cllr Jason Robb, Cllr Ian Mair, Cllr Trevor Pearson and Cllr John Money. Cllr Tim Banks of Scopwick PC and Blankney Estates Ltd attended the meeting as an observer.

The Chairman Cllr Richard Parker took the chair. 

Item 1: Public Forum (15 minutes), in accordance with Section 12a of the Local Government Act 1972. No members of the public present

Item 2: Reports from outside bodies, no Members of either the police, county or district councils police present

Item 3: Apologies for absence, none, all Members present.

Item 4: Declaration of interests. The Chairman Cllr Richard Parker and the Vice Chairman Cllr Dermot Spurrier recorded personal interests as Members of Blankney Parochial Church Council. The Chairman added if an interest becomes apparent during the meeting you may declare it then. Dispensations had been issued by the Clerk to both Cllrs Parker and Spurrier to take full part in the meeting.

Item 5: Minutes of the previous meeting.

a) To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th May 2021 (already executed)

b) Matters arising from the minutes – none.

Item 6: the Proposed Cemetery

The Chairman invited Cllr Dermot Spurrier (DS) to explain the proposed cemetery transfer from the Lincoln Diocese to the Parish Council. DS has been in close contact with the Diocesan Registrar in London and has agreed the transfer document TP1 and the attached plan which has been circulated to Members prior to the meeting. During the debate that followed DS said it would be necessary to remove a tree in the corner of the adjacent churchyard because its roots will encroach into the proposed cemetery area. It was also noted on a plan specially prepared for the meeting by DS that only a 6 metre strip of land will be requested to be consecrated by the Bishop of Lincoln because an area needed to be left un-consecrated for other non-Christian dominations and people of a secular persuasion. 

DS went on to explain the terms relating to the private road and the parking area. The probability of the Church closing was briefly discussed. DS assured Members that should this happen the proposed arrangements will alleviate any issues going forward as the parish cemetery will be a separate entity administered and maintained by the parish council. 

The Chairman explained he and his wife Mrs Ruth Parker will be organising and meeting the cost of matching iron fencing (as per the existing Dorman Long of Cannock fence) to three sides of the proposed area including the repositioning of the existing gates and making good with fencing to match.

The Blankney Parochial Church Council have so far met the Diocesan Registrar’s costs. It was agreed that Change of Use planning consent will be sought from the district council by the Clerk when the ownership has been transferred. 

When the debate was concluded the Chairman Cllr Richard Parker sought a proposer and a seconder for the motion (there was no amendments) which was -

`Are we agreed Blankney Parish Council should proceed with the purchase of the proposed cemetery land as shown on the plan circulated from the Diocese of Lincoln (as outlined by Cllr Dermot Spurrier)’.

It was proposed by Cllr Dermot Spurrier and seconded by Cllr Jason Robb; the motion was carried unanimously. 

With the permission of the Chairman and by delegated powers, Cllr Dermot Spurrier and the Clerk to proceed accordingly, when Members have read, proposed any amendments to the draft minutes and when all Members are in agreement, I will ask the Chairman to sign them, in case they are needed to proceed with negotiations

Item 7: Correspondence; the Clerk informed Members have sight of all relevant letters and emails, which have all been addressed. 

Item 8: Other matters: the possibility of renovating the Red K6 Telephone Box was discussed, Cllrs Banks and Money to research with the Scopwick Parish Clerk the availability and willingness of the person who has done such a great job with the RTB at Kirkby Green

Item 10: Date of the next meeting – TBA.